
Breathe for Schools

When connecting remotely with schools across Scotland throughout the COVID-19 lockdowns, we became aware of an overwhelming need for new tools and strategies to support pupils through the stress and anxiety that many were experiencing. 

These recordings – featuring Scottish Ensemble musicians and presented by Lucy Drever – bring together a dynamic range of music with techniques from the Mindfulness-informed listening practice we have developed in our long-term collaboration with Maggie’s Cancer Care Centres, offering new ways that music can be used as a tool to support wellbeing and build resilience.

The videos are accompanied by a lesson plan and a starter activity; created by collaborating teacher Debbie Wilcock, which suggest ways that teachers might use these resources in the classroom to work towards Scottish Government wellbeing objectives.

The resources are available for free to school groups, simply complete the form below to get access.

  • Johann Pachelbel
  • Brudestykke
    Danish traditional, Arr. Nikolaj Busk
  • Philip Glass
    String Quartet No.2 "Company"
  • Caroline Shaw
    The Beech Tree
  • Arvo Pärt
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